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How does the cost compare?

The Pharmacy Centre
Date added:
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Last revised:
Thursday, 07 October 2010


Please get some quotes, in fact we insist you do. A competent web development company will charge between £1000 - £5000 for a modern but basic site with few of the features or functionality we include for £99. We have clients who have spent a few hundred pounds+ and got 4 pages and clients who have spent over £10,000 and received an inferior product. Our unique pharmacy optimised MedicineChest health content alone is licensed out for £1000’s a year and not available anywhere else.


You don’t have to spend time meeting the prospective companies, briefing designers and developers, writing copy, approving and amending designs etc. Significantly, it is unlikely that a normal web development company would have sufficient understanding of pharmacy or the legal requirements. Some developers who claim to specialise in pharmacy have been known to charge £10,000 to £25,000.

For £99 per year your website is future-proofed with no need to constantly re-build. It will be upgraded as new web technologies evolve and we are adding new features and functionality on an ongoing basis

Our dedicated support service for £25 per month ensures you spend no time at all on your website, we maintain, update and constantly improve it. Most web companies charge between £25 - £75 per hour!




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